Right Livelihood suggests that we earn our living in an honorable and life-affirming way, free from deceit or dishonesty.
We do not earn our livelihood in any way that involves harm, cruelty, or injustice to either human beings or animals, nor do we support those who harm other beings.
For example, Right Livelihood means not selling or trading in arms and lethal weapons, not selling intoxicating drinks or poisons, not killing or mistreating animals, not cheating or deceiving others, and so forth.
The dharma of a human being is to support and assist life, embracing our interconnection with all sentient beings.
Being in accord with Right Livelihood means living in harmony and unity with all of life; living not just to satisfy our own personal desires, but to compassionately serve the welfare of all beings.
Through Right Livelihood we cultivate ethical conduct (personal integrity), and establish the essential foundation of the Path.
Source: Used with permission from https://sourcepointglobaloutreach.org/what-we-offer/